Here is the investment process, steps, due diligence, what to do, likely problems, opportunities, ROI, and timescales. And a great way to do this is watching and listening to people who have done this, investors and entrepreneurs. Videos here taken from our Dorset Business Angels November 2017 Investors’ Conference.
Beginning of the Journey
Peter Cowley – ‘Best Angel Investor in the World 2017’ ‘What I wished I’d known a decade ago!’
Enjoy his video here.
Some key points in the video include, invest in people first not the plan. People with “high growth ambitions”.
Peter invests in at least 2 people, 3 works not 4. A UK Company. Local enough for you to travel to. Have your own board or a trusted Non Exec Director.
Processes for the Journey – Don McQueen
Don explains how to look for opportunities, audit them before investing, documentation, working with businesses and the ongoing relationships – video
How to Avoid Getting it Wrong as an Investor – Justin Levine
Avoid seeing your cash vaporize. Minimise the downside. Invest, do not speculate. How do we find the right investment? Justin shares data on what % of angel investments end up in what situation for example 50% go out of business, 20% sale to a larger company. Are there ways of minimising risk, or getting money out before a liquidation event? Enjoy his video.
Exit Lessons for Investors Case Study from RocketRoute co-founder – Kurt Lyall
A co-founder, seven years invested in my company. An aviation company finding the fastest way to fly through the air with his company. He started with small aircraft we moved up to business jets. As a founder you don’t have luxury of 25 investments, you have a portfolio of one investment, one your company. Watch and listen to his story here.